It’s time to create a welcoming, comfortable, and thoughtful space that feels like you!

Your home is where you want to unwind, recharge, invite and feel happy, but with the ever-changing trends and endless decor options, you’re often left feeling confused and stuck with what you already own. This is where I can help!

My Professional Design Advice Can Help You With:


Furniture Layouts & Decor Styling

New eyes can bring new ideas! It’s easy to keep your furniture or decor laid out the same way it’s been for years without knowing there could be a better approach.

Paint Color Recommendations

Design Paralysis can set in for many, escpecially when it comes to deciding on a color. Whether it be for an exterior or interior I have you covered!

Design Do’s/Don’ts

What you don’t know, you don’t know. It’s as simple as that. I can help assist!

Renovation Suggestions

Have bigger plans in mind, but aren’t sure where to start? I can ease some of that stress and bring fresh ideas to the table.


“Marissa took all of my needs and challenges and came up with a beautiful design that encompassed everything
I wanted perfectly.”

— Emily E.

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